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店内图书搜索:   图书名称 作者
书名 作者 出版社 出版时间 库存 品相 价格 上书时间 购买
The Longman Standard History of Medieval Philosophy 朗文中世纪哲学史 Daniel Kol Longman 2007 1 九成 45.00 2010-7-9
Atheist Delusions: the christian revolution and its fashionable enemies David Ben Yale University Press 2008 1 九五成 85.00 2010-7-9
Encountering the New Testament: A Historical and Theological Survey (Encountering Biblical Studies) Walter Elw Baker Academic; 2nd edition 2008 1 九五成 50.00 2010-7-9
Chinese Cinderella: the secret story of an unwanted daughter Adeline Ye Puffin 1999 1 九成 25.00 2010-7-9
Nathaniel Hawthorne: the American years 红字的作者 霍桑传 Robert Can Rinehart 1948 1 八五成 50.00 2010-7-9
Lady Gregory: a literary portrait 格利高里夫人传 爱尔兰文艺复兴中坚 阿贝剧院创始人 Yeats好友 Elizabeth Secker 1966 1 九成 50.00 2010-7-9
Crowding and Behavior 人群与行为 Jonathan L Freenman 1975 1 九成 35.00 2010-7-9
The Years That Were Fat: The Last of Old China, with a forward by John King Fairbank George A. The MIT Press 1991 1 八五成 60.00 2010-7-9
Without Marx or Jesus: The new American revolution has begun Jean Franc Paladin 1972 1 八成 15.00 2010-7-9
Communism: a narrative history Robert Gol Fawcett World Library 1972 1 七成 15.00 2010-7-9
American Diplomacy: 1900-1950 美国外交 George F. Mentor 1952 1 七成 25.00 2010-7-9
May Man Prevail? an Inquiry Into the Facts and Fictions of Foreign Policy Erich From Doubleday 1964 1 九成 35.00 2010-7-9
男女胴体 身体想 英汉对照杂志 亚洲第一步关于身体,性别及性意识双语书志 港版 编辑部 男女胴体 2005 1 九成 45.00 2010-7-9
男女胴体 创刊号 英汉对照杂志 亚洲第一步关于身体,性别及性意识双语书志 港版 编辑部 男女胴体 2005 1 九成 45.00 2010-7-9
IN A TIME OF TORMENT. Our Most Distinguished Independent Journalist, On the Most Urgent Issues and Key Personalities of our Times I.F. Stone Vintage 1967 1 八五成 25.00 2010-7-9
A world within a war, poems by Herbert Read Herbert Re Harcourt 1945 0 九成 30.00 2010-7-9
ORDER AND LIFE (The Terry Lectures) 秩序与生命 李约瑟 著 Joseph Nee The MIT Press 1967 0 九成 45.00 2010-7-9
Introduction to the Study of Personality (Basic Books in Education) 人格研究入门 Richard Ly Nelson Thornas Ltd 1971 1 八五成 25.00 2010-7-9
The Birth of Chrysler Corporation and its Engineering Legacy Anthony J. Auto 1995 1 九成 20.00 2010-7-9
Poems Translated From World Literature: The Singing and the Gold Elinor Par Thomas 1966 1 九成 45.00 2010-7-9
The investment decision: an empirical study, (Harvard economic studies) 投资决策 一项经验主义研究 哈佛经济研究丛书 John R. Me Harvard University Press 1966 1 八五成 25.00 2010-7-9
Alternative Capitalisms: Geographies of Emerging Regions (Hodder Arnold Publication) Robert Gwy A Hodder Arnold Publication 2003 1 九成 35.00 2010-7-9
Legal Traditions of the World Sustainable Diversity in Law 第二版 H. Patrick Oxford University Press 2004 1 八五成 45.00 2010-7-9
The poverty of welfare reform 福利改革的贫困 Joel F. Ha Yale University Press 1995 1 九成 40.00 2010-7-9
The pattern of Chinese history: cycles, development or stagnation: problems in Asian civilizations 中国历史模式 论文集 John Meski D. C. Heath 1965 0 八五成 36.00 2010-7-9
Chinese Eunuchs: the structure of intimate politics 中国宦官政治研究 Taisuke Mi Tuttle 1970 1 八五成 35.00 2010-7-9
Nuts and Bolts of the past: a history of American technology 1776-1860 David Free Harper 1988 1 九成 35.00 2010-7-9
The Origins of Oriental Civilization 东方文明的起源 Walter A. Mentor 1959 1 七五成 25.00 2010-7-9
THE CRIPPLED TREE: China, history, autobiography 韩素音 著 Han Suyin Bantam 1975 1 八成 30.00 2010-7-9
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