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店内图书搜索:   图书名称 作者
书名 作者 出版社 出版时间 库存 品相 价格 上书时间 购买
光电工程学手册Photovoltaic Engineering Handbook(货号:D4) Lasnier An Adam Hilger 1990 1 十成 36.00 2010-7-7
Baldness:is it necessary【滑稽插图本,大32开,高级布面精装,193页】(货号:D3) Katherine Mailing Services 1964 1 九五成 36.00 2010-7-9
Bless the Child(货号:D3) Cathy Cash Warner Books 1921 1 九成 42.00 2010-7-9
Father ten boom:God\'s Man(货号:D3) Corrie tem Fleming H.Revell Company 1946 1 七成 36.00 2010-7-9
If we Live again:or,public magic and private love(货号:D3) Jane Rober Prentice-Hall 1982 1 十成 39.00 2010-7-9
Unhappy Returns(货号:D3) Elizabeth Walker and Company 1977 1 九五成 25.00 2010-7-9
I will be your God(货号:D3) John H.Otw abingdon 1946 1 九五成 42.00 2010-7-9
The Commercialisation of Accountancy:flexible accumulation and the transformation of the service class(货号:D3) Gerard Han St.Martin\'s Press 1994 1 九五成 49.00 2010-7-9
Remember Your Lies(货号:D3) Jill Jones St.Martin\'s Press 2001 1 九成 56.00 2010-7-9
Confession and Avoidance:a memoir(货号:D3) Leon Jawor Anchor Press 1979 1 九五成 69.00 2010-7-9
Improving your Serve(货号:D3) Charles R. Word Books 1958 1 九五成 39.00 2010-7-9
A Falcon for a Queen(货号:D3) Catherine Doubleday & Company 1972 1 九成 39.00 2010-7-9
Teacher Effectiveness Training(货号:D3) Thomas Gor Peter H.Wyden Publisher 1923 1 九五成 56.00 2010-7-9
The House on Hope Street(货号:D3) Danielle S Delacorte Press 2000 1 九成 29.00 2010-7-9
At First Sight(货号:D3) Nicholas S Warner Books 2005 1 九五成 36.00 2010-7-9
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